

The Week | Our view of the last 7 days in marketing & communications

There are two big birthdays this weekend. As most of you know, and keep reminding us, The Week finally turns 1. We’re can’t wait for the cake, gifts and boxes to play with.   While it may be the big circle on all of your calendars, don’t forget that other one. Two-hundred-forty-five isn’t as unforgettable…

Victoria’s Secret: Aspirational vs. Inspirational Marketing

Victoria’s Secret recently announced an overhaul of the brand, leaving behind the scantily-clad, supermodel “Angels” as avatars of the brand, and embracing a broader definition of “sexy,” exemplified in a more diverse and inclusive group of models and spokespeople. Why the revamp? Some would say it’s purely a matter of keeping up with the times,…

Infographic: Data Privacy in 2021

  1.Data sourced from: (2021) 2.Data sourced from: (2021) 3. Data sourced from: (2021) 4. Data sourced from: Pew Research (2019) 5. Data sourced from: (2021) 6. Data sourced from: (2021) 7. Data sourced from: (2021) 8. Data sourced from: (2021) 9. Data sourced from: (2021)

The Week | Our view of the last 7 days in marketing & communications

Is there anything more summer than S’mores? Outdoors, with friends and just the right mix of graham cracker, chocolate, marshmallow (lightly toasted is the perfect texture, if you’re asking). Of course, we had our eyes this week on another cookie. Google’s extended the third-party cookie into late ’23, providing a bit of a reprieve for…

The Week | Our view of the last 7 days in marketing & communications

Two years ago, Juneteenth wasn’t even on the radar of many people – and even more companies. Now it’s a recognized federal holiday, the racial reckoning of ’20 pushing its importance to the fore. Even still, there’s so much more many of us need to learn about the symbolic end to slavery in the United…

CTPerspectives: Social Listening

Most stories about airline baggage aren’t uplifting, but leave it to Southwest and its crack social media team to turn that narrative around. If you missed it recently, they generated a lot of buzz around a customer’s checked pool noodle. It got us thinking about effective use of social listening. So we asked CTPers: What…

The Week | Our view of the last 7 days in marketing & communications

Pool noodles.    The Week never gave much thought to summer’s cheap, ubiquitous, colorful toy. And then a particular blue one started popping up everywhere on our screens – courtesy of the savvy social team at Southwest. And it served as an unexpected, but ingenious reminder of the need for brands to create real, authentic…

The Week | Our view of the last 7 days in marketing & communications

It’s June, which means rainbows are showing up everywhere. From local retailers to big-box brands, from menus to social media feeds, brands are showing their support for the LGBTQ+ community during Pride Month.  True support, however, extends beyond just a marketing exercise and much deeper than simply rainbow washing a logo. With about 5.6% of…

CTPerspectives: Summer Reading for Marketers

As marketers, we know that we’re never done learning. From podcasts and articles to webinars and email subscriptions, limitless resources enable us to further our education learning about our industry. With hot weather and beach thoughts ahead this weekend, we have summer reading on the brain. So we asked CTPers, “What books would you recommend…

The Week | Our view of the last 7 days in marketing & communications

Long weekends are always circled on our calendars. But there’s nothing like this long weekend, aka, the unofficial start of summer. Cookouts. Cold drinks. The anticipation of warm days and vacations to come. And, most importantly this year, finally spending in-person time with family and friends. As Boston and the country try to navigate toward…