Going to the Office Never Felt So Good

It’s hard to imagine that 19 months ago, when we decided to leave our Boston office at 77 North Washington Street, it would be more than a year and a half until we returned. When we originally welcomed our virtual environment in place of our physical one, we thought it would be a mere two or three weeks before we were back. But, as often happens in life, things didn’t go as planned. 


I’m so happy and proud to say that we thrived in our virtual environment – quickly learning the ins and outs of Zoom and Google Hangouts, and continued to service our clients without missing a beat. We did our best to maintain our strong agency culture from a distance, even if no virtual meeting can replace the Bar Bappe laughs, hallway conversations, hugs and cups of coffee we often shared.


So, 19 months later, we were excited and eager to open up our office doors, and be together once again on October 12th, our first official day back in office. We decided to ease back into normalcy by going back just one day a week, and then evaluate after a few weeks of trying out a new routine. Since it is only one day that we’re spending together in-person, our goal was to minimize our time spent in meetings. So we try to use Tuesdays to do what we do best at CTP – collaborate.


Collaboration is so key to what we do every day, and we often live by the words, “A good idea can come from anyone.” Reserving Tuesdays for (socially-distanced) brainstorm sessions and bouncing ideas off of each other allows us to collaborate in a way that just isn’t the same over Zoom. We’re so grateful for our clients and partners that understand and support this priority. 


The energy within our four walls was palpable that first day back together. In some ways, it felt like we had never left. But in others, evidence from our changed world permeated throughout. We remain masked when 6-foot distancing isn’t possible. And our conference rooms have designated maximum capacities. A small price to pay in exchange for the togetherness that we’ve looked forward to for so long. 


Tuesdays are my new favorite day of the week. To look around and see CTPers laughing, thinking, collaborating and overall just doing what we do best, was well worth the wait.

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