
“This is an idea factory, fueled by razor sharp consumer insights and world class creative. With extensive knowledge of current social media trends, analytics and content specialization. Deep experience working with well known, national brands. All delivered with a refreshingly human and local touch. And scaled perfectly to suit your project and business needs. It’s the results you demand, with storytelling you never dreamed possible...”

Welcome to

CTP Carolina

“This is an idea factory, fueled by razor sharp consumer
insights and world class creative. With extensive
knowledge of current social media trends, analytics
and content specialization. Deep experience working
with well known, national brands. All delivered with a
refreshingly human and local touch. And scaled
perfectly to suit your project and business needs. It’s
the results you demand, with storytelling you never
dreamed possible...”

Our Philosophy

“People don’t consume brands. They connect with them. Our specialty is building that connection. Making it strong, meaningful, and authentic. Until there is no other way to describe it but human.”

Why Us?

Nimble, hungry, creative-focused. Local insights and connections. Unique and engaging content. CTP Boston is one of the top 25 agencies in New England.


Meet Grant

Owner, ECD, writer, spiritual leader of humans, chickens and rabbits.

On the wall of Grant’s office is a sign bearing a single word: Simplicity. And it’s Grant’s habit of keeping things simple that has made him a creative giant in the ad world for many years. His work for the original Bud Bowl was the driving force behind one of the most successful ad promotions in history. And his groundbreaking (and air-breaking) SmartBeep ads are routinely seen on America's Funniest Commercials. Grant has worked with Michael Jordan for Hanes, re-launched Audi in the U.S. and spent more time with the Red Sox than any of their players. But it’s his brain power (rather than his star power) that makes Grant such a valuable resource to all our clients. He regularly helps them tell their brand stories in ways that cannot be ignored. Or forgotten.


Meet Hunter

Partnerships & Growth, Multi-Channel Engagement Strategist, Music Enthusiast, Rad Dad

Hunter boasts deep experience in product development, market analysis, competitive analysis, and sales enablement. His skills in creating and executing successful go-to-market strategies have resulted in significant revenue growth for various companies, both local and national. And he’s always three steps ahead with leveraging industry trends and data-driven insights to make informed decisions. But it’s his background as a native Wilmingtonian where he shines the brightest. Hunter is deeply embedded in the local business scene, in every way, Able to offer valuable insights into local resources and networks. Make business building connections. And combine an innovative and creative spirit with his passion for the traditions, customs and way of life unique to those who call Carolina home.


Client List


To learn more about us and how we can work together, reach out below.